A Cornell University study predicts that religion is expected to become extinct in 8 countries including Canada.
"The model predicts that for societies in which the perceived utility of not adhering is greater than the utility of adhering, religion will be driven toward extinction.
We present a new treatment of the competition for adherents between religious and irreligious segments of modern secular societies and compile a new international data set tracking the growth of religious non-affiliation. Data suggest a particular case of our general growth law, leading to clear predictions about possible future trends in society.
People claiming no religious affiliation constitute the fastest growing religious minority in many countries throughout the world. Americans without religious affiliation comprise the only religious group growing in all 50 states; in 2008 those claiming no religion rose to 15 percent nationwide, with a maximum in Vermont at 34 percent. In the Netherlands nearly half the population is religiously unaffiliated."
The Shirk Spotter's view is the real question is how many people actually believe in God versus those that don't believe in the existence of the Universal Creator? This is the real question.
The Abrahamic faiths are essentially different competitive versions of the same religion. And then there are many who have moved away from their traditional religious affiliation to a different and personal set of beliefs where they choose to believe in God and have a relationship through private worship and meditation.
"The model predicts that for societies in which the perceived utility of not adhering is greater than the utility of adhering, religion will be driven toward extinction.
We present a new treatment of the competition for adherents between religious and irreligious segments of modern secular societies and compile a new international data set tracking the growth of religious non-affiliation. Data suggest a particular case of our general growth law, leading to clear predictions about possible future trends in society.
People claiming no religious affiliation constitute the fastest growing religious minority in many countries throughout the world. Americans without religious affiliation comprise the only religious group growing in all 50 states; in 2008 those claiming no religion rose to 15 percent nationwide, with a maximum in Vermont at 34 percent. In the Netherlands nearly half the population is religiously unaffiliated."
The Shirk Spotter's view is the real question is how many people actually believe in God versus those that don't believe in the existence of the Universal Creator? This is the real question.
The Abrahamic faiths are essentially different competitive versions of the same religion. And then there are many who have moved away from their traditional religious affiliation to a different and personal set of beliefs where they choose to believe in God and have a relationship through private worship and meditation.